

My Beautiful Bahrain magazine - launching early 2025. A glossy, quarterly magazine aimed at anyone, anywhere in the world, interested in life and living in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Demonstration cover only

Pending business partnership and/or funding, we are looking into the possibilities of publishing My Beautiful Bahrain as a glossy, quarterly magazine featuring photography from across the island, as well as articles & interviews, and poetry & art on, and about, the island. Aimed at expats on the island, as well as anyone, anywhere in the world, interested in what life is like living in the Kingdom of Bahrain! We then plan for My Beautiful Bahrain to be available from retail outlets both across the Kingdom and regionally, globally via the Amazon platforms and online via magazine reader platforms. Further details will be available shortly, but if this is something you might be interested in, either as a contributor, or as a sponsor/business partner, please let us know by completing the form below!


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