Poetry by Pallavi Jain

Poetry by Pallavi Jain


Rising from quaint lanes of past

Towards a captivating future

Land is silver where

And sea is pearl

An archipelago of 50 islands

Where sea of springs

Brings the dead to life

When the pandemic was spreading its tentacles

And the world was devastated

We held hands

And fought together

We stood together

Breaking all the barriers

Barriers of Color

Barriers of gender

Barriers of race

Barriers of inequality

Team Bahrain worked

Worked day and night

Worked to feed every mouth

Worked to provide roof on every head

Worked to achieve unachievable

We were impregnable

My land , My home is My Pride

Sacred land of Dilmun civilisation

‘Garden of Eden’

Rising with settlers from around the world

Respecting each other’s sentiments

With an inspiring lineage

Rich in art and music

Celebrating ‘Spring of cultures’

Home of galloping Arabian horses

And tall date palms

Falcon is symbol of liberty and victory where

A Paradise with elegance of pearls

With abundance of oil

Working on cutting edge technology

And Moving forward with


Sustainability and


Creating a safe and stable society

My land , My home is My Shangri-la.


Earth O Mother Earth

Earth O Green Earth

Full of water Earth

Full of life Earth

When we were not there

Trees 'n animal life thrived on earth

Bahrain O beautiful Bahrain

Bahrain O my home Bahrain

Land of million palms

We destroyed everything

Greed grew on earth

Men O selfish men

Men O careless men

Wake up !!!!

Let us join hands

Bring back the glory of earth

Grow back the green earth

Celebrate the only planet with life

So we forgo the quest to find life elsewhere

And we sing again

Earth O Mother Earth

Earth O Green Earth .


(Winters in Bahrain)

Oh no ! not again

I turned my back for a second

And there it was

The golden carpet spread in my lawn

The petals of sumptuous marigold were pecked by sparrows.

On the island where I live

Winters bring chirping sparrows

The finest Orchestra of nature

The sound of birds stops all the noise inside

They say, hold on to your dreams

For if dreams die

Life becomes broken-winded bird

that cannot fly

Winter is celebration of vibrant blooms

And flaming marigold all around

The magnificent Marigold reminds me

Of those that I met on the trail called life

The nature’s golden delight brings ardent emotions

Its euphoric to see garden brimming with flowers and birds

Oh I can’t tell how my heart aches to see yellow petals on the ground

But than watching feathered friends

Pecking marigold like a mischievous playful child

Brings joy, peace and contentment.


(Bitter truth)

 I was so happy 

Finally after a short drive 

I reached to my new home

Everyone in the house was excited too

They cuddled me 

They Kissed me 

I got the cosiest bed of my own 

Best food 

I was on top of world

Time went by 

My life was like ...

Happily ever after 

One day there was some hustle bustle 

Everyone was excited again 

I started jumping too 

There were lots of boxes 

I thought they must be changing the furniture 

As I chewed them all 

Next thing I see 

The house was empty 

Me , alone 

The watchman 

Who was not even allowed to pet me

Threw me out of the compound 

Here I was , lost 

Surrounded by others like me 

Who were already seasoned in the art of being stray 

I still fondly remember 

How everyone pampered me

And now I was on my own . 

About Pallavi

Pallavi lives in Bahrain - the pearl of the gulf. Originally from India, she is an artist, writer, environmentalist, gardener, social worker, poet, and blogger, and enjoys exploring different art forms and mediums. She says nature fuels her imagination and creativity, and has a distinctive personal style that radiates with vitality. Her artwork emanate peace and are pleasing to the heart.

Instagram: @bhoomi_our_land

Blog: www.ybrante.wordpress.com

Email: pallavijaingoa@yahoo.co.in

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