not for profit

Not for profit

Formed in early 2011, the Bahrain Writers' Circle warmly welcome writers of any age, any genre, whether published or still waiting to see their first few words in print. Our members include authors, poets, bloggers, journalists, magazine editors, freelance writers, commissioned writers, coaches, reporters and publishers.



FB: @Bahrain Writers' Circle

Instagram: @bahrainwriterscirclebwc

Indian Community Relief Fund (“ICRF”) was set up in the year 1999 by The Embassy of India, Bahrain, to ensure the general welfare of the Indian labourers in Bahrain. Remit includes financial assistance, organizing medical and awareness camps, help in boarding, lodging, medical and other emergency support, as well as providing legal and other counseling help and support.


FB: @ICRFBahrain

In Art World, Bahrain, is an organisation devoted to promoting art, giving exposure to artists and their creations on a global level.

In Art World looks forward to publish an annual art magazine which will showcase its members. Various artists and their working methodologies, styles and overall approach towards art will be explored.

In Art World is responsible for organising art workshops, art fairs and exhibitions in Bahrain specifically and expanding to all parts of the world.

FB: @In Art World

Instagram: @iaw_bahrain


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